
After my third little one was born, I started suffering from persistent hip pain and weakness. I was also uncertain about the health of my core as a whole after hearing information from various sources that I struggled to parse out into personalized guidance. Exercise seemed to only exacerbate my pain, and when I nearly tumbled down the stairs while carrying my baby, I realized I needed to find someone who could help me heal. Enter Dr. Bailey! 

Over the next months Dr. Bailey puzzled out various issues and equipped me with releases and exercises to gently re-train muscle systems that had slipped into less than optimal habits--many of which I have since realized started in childhood and were only strengthened by the stress of pregnancy on my body. Her knowledge and perception was incredible, and the tools she gave me have brought more healing to my body and mind than I knew I needed

For not only did my hip pain decrease dramatically and my strength improve, but my confidence in my body's ability to do and suffer hard things then recover was renewed. Dr. Bailey's approach was unwaveringly sympathetic and encouraging as she noted where I was and equipped me to heal. After the very first visit I noticed that my perspective had shifted from fear that my body was broken to wonder at what it had accomplished and excitement at the prospect of helping it strengthen again. In fact, by the end of my time with Dr. Bailey, I felt ready to hope for another child!

I am now 20 weeks pregnant with baby number four and am repeatedly amazed as I discover new things about how my months with Dr. Bailey (and the exercises she gave me, many of which I still use frequently) have impacted my body for the better. My hip pain is still minimal, and strength good, even at the peak of ligament-loosening that has brought me so much pain in the past. I am no longer afraid that I will hurt myself doing daily tasks, for I understand more about how my body works and am more in tune to it's messages. My back feels good, and I can still breathe well. And my list could go on! I even discovered this winter that one of my toes, which for years would fall asleep when standing for long periods of time, no longer acts up. Even my chilblains (blisters on my toes that I have gotten every winter since I was a kid) have mostly gone away thanks to improved blood circulation in my legs! 

I am so very grateful for Dr. Bailey's aid and expertise--as is my 5-year old daughter, who is so glad I can carry her again (at least occasionally 😆)


Your tips for opening up my pelvis properly during birth was so incredibly helpful!!

Our sweet baby boy was born after only 8 hours of labor and 5 (yes FIVE) minutes of pushing!! He was in such a perfect position due to .. the exercises you had given me. I also really loved your advice to really tune into gravity and engage my pelvic floor - all throughout my labor I actively engaged the pain and would get down on all fours, squat, lean, and keep my legs open! All of that allowed for him to move down and work with my contractions efficiently!! It could not have been a more beautiful birth! I am so grateful for you and all of the amazing techniques and advice you gave me!


“I reached out to Dr. Ryan while struggling with secondary infertility and after suffering a pregnancy loss. I wasn't getting the answers I wanted from my OB and was willing to take any measures that didn't include going straight to IVF since I knew there was nothing medically "wrong" with me. Dr. Ryan took the time to hear my whole story and came up with a treatment plan that I felt comfortable with. We worked together during monthly sessions with clear instructions on how I could continue treatment on my own until I got pregnant again! Not only did I value every bit of advice and knowledge she gave me, but she also made the whole process fun and enjoyable while focusing on both the physical and mental aspects of trying to conceive. I had a rough labor, delivery, and recovery of my first baby and can't wait to work with her during this pregnancy to help make things go more smoothly.” J.M.

My recovery has been leaps and bounds better than I thought it would be with no setbacks amazingly. I can't thank you enough for helping me to prepare for a repeat C-section.” J.M.

“Dr. Bailey was so compassionate and understanding with what I was experiencing. She walked me through exercises and breathing techniques to alleviate my [pregnancy pelvic] pain, [over] virtual meetings. I went from complete and utter misery to having the tools to function! I can not recommend Dr. Bailey enough. She has such a passion for mothers and it truly shows through her devotion to helping and educating. I am so thankful for her and all she has done for me.” J


“Ryan worked with me prior to the birth of my second child. I had some minor injury from my first delivery and I unfortunately didn’t have a smooth recovery from that. As I approached my second delivery I was worried about further injury and another tough recovery. I visited Ryan in hopes of coming up with a plan to prevent that. Ryan really listened to my concerns, fully assessed my body and taught me some targeted exercises. Meeting with her felt very comfortable and I walked away with a much better understanding of my body and confidence about what I could do to prepare for my upcoming delivery. I diligently practiced the simple exercises she gave me, pre and post delivery. I had a wonderfully smooth delivery and remarkably fast recovery. I credit Ryan for supporting those positive outcomes! I would encourage all mama’s to meet with her. She is a fantastic resource and person.”

-Celie B

“I had THE BEST birth!!! Thank you for helping me. Doing everything we talked about changed this birth for me and I will be forever thankful.” J.F.


“Ryan has been a God send for my pregnancy and postpartum time! I sought her out after experiencing some near debilitating hip and lower back pain in my second trimester, and I'm so glad I did. I had been going to a chiropractor, but I knew I needed something more.

Ryan was able to recognize some movement patterns and muscle weakness that was contributing to my pain and help me learn exercises to address it. She also used manual techniques, some of which I could feel the effects of immediately.

She was supportive and knowledgeable through the end of my pregnancy and helped me to prepare my body for birth. I had a tough labor and birth, and I know that it would have been worse if it weren't for some of the ways I prepared myself during and in between our sessions together.

And I have been grateful to have Ryan on my team for postpartum recovery as well, as she has helped me navigate everything from my hip pain to hemorrhoids. Postpartum is not a glamorous time, but Ryan has made me feel supported and strong.

I would also like to point out that I'm an occupational therapist myself and have spent years getting to know my body. I've dealt with multiple chronic illnesses mostly on my own because of my own knowledge and training. I chose Ryan as my PT and kept going back to her because her expertise is top notch. She knows her stuff and was an invaluable asset to my pregnancy and postpartum journeys!”

-Alyson S

“When I gave birth to my son, I had high expectations for the birth. I was extremely fit, had a daily yoga practice, and felt prepared. Unfortunately, my birth experience included a 36 hour labor, four hours of pushing, and left me with a fourth-degree tear and a destroyed back. I knew there was something wrong with my back/sacrum after the birth but I ignored it as I tried to deal with the PTSD that came with the birth and all of the maintenance and care needed to heal.

I was wearing the baby one day on a walk, stepped into a pothole, and immediately knew what was “sort of off” was now “horribly wrong”. I ended up with sacroiliac dysfunction that left me unable to walk, stand or sit without intense muscle spasms that dropped me to the ground. I was unable to pick up my child, walk up stairs, or even sit without a spasm or falling. I couldn’t walk more than a few steps without pain or muscle spasms. I couldn’t care for my baby without assistance and was trapped in my home without the confidence or ability to carry my child, put him in his carseat, or even lift him to change a diaper.

Several PTs I had called stated we needed to get to work on “planks” and “squats”… but I couldn’t even walk. I was lucky enough to have Dr. Ryan Bailey recommended to me from several friends and health practitioners. She was responsive (despite just recently having her own child) and came to the rescue. She came to my home (since I couldn’t leave!) and immediately set to work helping me heal with manual manipulation and exercises. She was honest with me and set expectations around healing time (she was exactly right… it took almost a year).

The process was slow and deliberate, starting with foundational work that built to more advanced healing. She worked with me through my PTSD on my pelvic floor issues and helped me to heal those in addition to my back once I was ready to deal with it. She helped me strengthen my abdominals and back even as I struggled through post partum depression. I can’t think of a postpartum experience Ryan couldn’t see someone through. Her knowledge, compassion, and patience with me was remarkable. I can’t recommend her enough if you have any pelvic floor or postpartum rehabilitation needs. I wish I would have known about her before I gave birth… she could have coached me through a better birth experience with her knowledge of the pelvic floor and how it works during labor.

If you’ve been hesitant to reach out, don’t be. She saved my life and my sanity and a year later, I’m climbing stairs, able to swim again, but most importantly, able to be the mother I want to be for my little guy.”


"I’ve suffered from migraines my whole life and have long wanted to try physical therapy, but was always too intimidated by the referral process to move forward. When I got pregnant however the unrelenting headaches as well as other symptoms that I thought were a normal part of pregnancy but anticipated towards the third trimester rather than the first, finally motivated me to go see my primary care physician and get the referral.

I wish I’d done it sooner because seeing Ryan Bailey at Expecting Pelvic Health (formerly White Lotus PT) was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my health.

Ryan’s a unique physical therapist because she really sees the whole person. She provided me a plan not only to address my weak pelvic floor and the tension causing the headaches, but how to move throughout my space my safely and effectively to prevent these problems going forward. She even went above and beyond as we neared the end of our sessions and I neared my delivery date in preparing me in how to use my body for a more effective delivery. I had wanted to birth naturally, she helped me with laboring positions that were safe for me and tailored for my particular situation as well as giving me examples of ways to take care of my body postpartum. I would recommend Ryan to any woman pregnant or not because she treats patients with compassion and really is effective in helping you get your body into the shape you want it to be so you can be healthy for the rest of your life."

Laura B

"I was only about six months postpartum [when I started working with Ryan at Expecting Pelvic Health], and still feeling a bit shaky on my new mom legs. I was also a bit shocked and overwhelmed to be dealing with an issue in my early 30s that I had always assumed was experienced only by the elderly.

It was a relief in more ways than one to be able to work with Ryan. I found her to be quite down-to-earth and easy to talk to, while also very educated in her field. Being a mom herself, she was able to be supportive and understanding about all that I was experiencing as a new mother, both physical and otherwise.  

I also appreciated being able to bring my infant daughter with me to my appointments. Ryan had plenty of toys to keep her occupied, and when my daughter did get fussy, Ryan would either hold her or modify what we were doing so that I could be near her. That made all the difference in my ability to continue treatment and make progress.

While not completely cured, my symptoms were greatly reduced, and I was able to start training for a half-marathon, my first race postpartum. Ryan also helped me with a few other aches, pains, and alignment issues during my initial training period, and I ended up finishing the race with a personal best. I wholeheartedly recommend Expecting Pelvic Health (formerly White Lotus Physical Therapy)—we childbearing women of the Seacoast area are lucky to have such a dedicated and knowledgeable physical therapist here for us!"

Lora T.

"With both my babies I experienced a minor diastasis recti that left me with a weak core.  

I signed up for the MuTu 12 week program online but wanted to do Physical Therapy as well.  Expecting Pelvic Health (Formerly White Lotus Physical Therapy) was the perfect compliment to the program and exercises I was already doing.  Going to see Ryan weekly helped to ensure I had the proper form with my exercises so that I was not worsening the condition.  It also kept me accountable to fixing my body! Ryan's approach was to address the root of the problem through a combination of various stretches, exercises, and myofascial massage.  I became more educated about my diastasis and even learned about other underlying alignment issues that may be contributing to my weak core.

She really understands women's postpartum health issues and made me feel very comfortable in all our sessions!"

Kelly G.