Expecting Pelvic Health

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4 Causes of Pubic Symphysis Pain in Pregnancy

During my second pregnancy I have experienced pubic bone pain more often and with more severity than during my first pregnancy.

There have been several times that it was so intense I could barely walk.

If you've had pubic bone pain you'll know what I'm talking about. The sensation that the front of your pelvis is grinding together and ripping apart. It's not pleasant.

But why do some of us experience pubic bone pain during pregnancy and sometimes even into postpartum?

Pubic bone pain is a very common pain syndrome during pregnancy. It is associated with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. The symphysis pubis is the joint that connects the two halves of the pelvis in the front. Your abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles and inner thigh muscles attach to the pubic bones.

There are four main causes of pubic bone pain, these can happen exclusively or more commonly in combination:

1. Posture

Your spine and pelvis is designed to be held in a particular position in relation to each other.

You have natural curves through the spine that allow forces to be translated efficiently and safely through the joints.

During pregnancy your posture tends to alter these natural curves because of your growing belly shifting your center of gravity forward and a stretched & weaker core.

When this happens your lower back curve increases and your pelvis tips forward, in standing. Or while sitting we tend to slouch into curved position. With a weakened core it's harder to pull out of this position.

This puts more weight on the symphysis pubis, that it is not meant to have to bear, straining the joint.

2. Alignment

Our pelvic joints go together likes puzzle pieces. There is one way they fit together, any other way is like jamming the pieces together.

Picture how painful that could be.

This is more commonly considered Pelvic Girdle Pain. Issues in the sacroiliac joints (back of the pelvis) that translates to the symphysis pubis.

Your joints are more susceptible to not fitting well during pregnancy and during recovery because of relaxin, estrogen and progesterone, which soften the ligaments and connective tissue that support and stabilize the joints.

When your joints are not "put together" they no longer efficiently manage forces, putting more strain on them.

3. Muscle trigger points or spasms

Trigger points and muscle spasms are locked up, dehydrated, sometimes over-worked muscle fibers. They tend to get stuck in a pain cycle of communication until "unlocked."

During pregnancy and  postpartum, with weaker core muscles, other muscles work harder to stabilize the pelvis and spine.

When muscles repeatedly work harder they form trigger points and muscle spasms.

These trigger points and muscle spasms can effect the joints they are attached to, referring pain  or causing imbalances in the joints.

4. Weak core

Without being extremely mindful as well as diligent with corrective exercises your core muscles will weaken, loose natural reflexes and disorganize function.

When this happens they no longer support and stabilize your joints and body.

So every time you move, like getting up from sitting or rolling in bed. Your joint are able to manage the forces going through them and your body responds with pain.

For me it has been a combination of old injuries causing alignment issues and trigger points reducing my body's core coordination. This all happened after two incidences:

One while lifting and moving too many boxes and furniture without asking for help.

The other after slipping on wet leaves covering my shed's ramp while doing yard clean up after a big storm. The caused me to tense up to avoid a full on split.

Both certainly not my finest hour, but I was able to get resolve pain fairly quickly with self care I've learned over my pelvic health years that I know work for my body.

If you answer "yes" to the following questions then it's time to listen to your body and ask for the help you deserve....

1. Do you experience pubic bone pain when you role or shift in bed?

2. Do you get pubic bone pain when you walk?

3. Are you several months postpartum and your pubic bone is on fire?

4. Do you want to have a natural birth and wonder how you'll manage because of your pubic bone pain?

There are simple tips and tricks to reduce your pubic bone pain.


Take smaller steps while walking...

Stand and sit tall keeping your pelvis and spine in neutral...

Warm up your pelvis with pelvic tilts before standing up...

Keep your legs together and roll like a log when moving in bed...

And lastly....

Set up a breakthrough call to learn what your body needs.