How your previous pregnancy or birth can impact future fertility

You are ready to grow your family from one child to many. But even though you had no issue conceiving the first time, now it seems to be more challenging.

This is a scenario that happens to 10% of couples.

Secondary infertility is when you had a successful birth and when you try to conceive again in the future it takes longer than a year.

There are many reasons why this may happen. Most are the same causes as primary infertility, however the underlying cause may be different.

The primary reason is an issue from the previous pregnancy or birth causing

  • problems with ovulation

  • blocked fallopian tubes

  • hormone imbalance

  • scarring of the uterus, cervix of vagina

However there are other problems that may or may not be related to the previous pregnancy or birth such as:

  • weight gain

  • age

  • nutrient depletion

  • fibroids

  • endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • stress

  • sleep deprivation &

  • Male factor

Some of these causes may have always been present, but not bad enough to impact fertility the first time. Then with the addition of other factors like newly found stress, sleep deprivation, weight gain or nutrient deficiency, it tipped your body over the edge.

Just like primary infertility, most couple do not seek care until having tried for a year. However, I believe this an outdated, “wait and see” attitude. Do you need patience? Yes of course. But you also need to when you ovulate.

If you don’t know the signs or they are no longer there. This is going to possibly delay conception, if you don’t know when to time intercourse.

So regardless of your fertility, tracking your cycle will provide you with the information necessary to know when to time or if there is an issue. If you notice your signs are not falling within a “normal” range it’s time to address them, even before trying to conceive or waiting a year. By taking action sooner, you are allowing your body the opportunity to heal with the support it needs to do so. This is why, it is so important to seek guidance within months after your previous pregnancy and birth from professionals who can address common issues that can impact your reproductive and overall health.

These professionals should include a:

  • Dietician/Nutritionist &

  • Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

and may include a:

  • Naturopathic Doctor

  • Peristeam Hydrotherapist or

  • Chiropractor

Consider the following scenario….

You had a cesarean birth that caused scar adhesions. This scarring blocks circulation causing pelvic congestion and inflammation. This inflammation leads to insulin resistance and PCOS, causing fertility issues.

This is just one example of how a previous birth can interfere with future pregnancies. And a scenario that can be addressed early on with guidance from a Pelvic Health PT who teaches you how to perform scar massage, healing exercises and educational strategies to promote healing.

You can take control of your healing and reproductive health with natural strategies using guidance from professionals before you need to even consider medical treatments such as fertility drugs, IUI, IVF or surgery.

“I reached out to Dr. Ryan while struggling with secondary infertility and after suffering a pregnancy loss. I wasn't getting the answers I wanted from my OB and was willing to take any measures that didn't include going straight to IVF since I knew there was nothing medically "wrong" with me. Dr. Ryan took the time to hear my whole story and came up with a treatment plan that I felt comfortable with. We worked together during monthly sessions with clear instructions on how I could continue treatment on my own until I got pregnant again! Not only did I value every bit of advice and knowledge she gave me, but she also made the whole process fun and enjoyable while focusing on both the physical and mental aspects of trying to conceive. I had a rough labor, delivery, and recovery of my first baby and can't wait to work with her during this pregnancy to help make things go more smoothly.” J.M.

Dr. Ryan Bailey

Reframing perinatal care by raising awareness and providing holistic and sustainable care options to recover, restore and rebuild pelvic floor mobility and strength for motherhood. Join me, a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist to cut through the social media noise and learn about the pelvic floor and how you can prevent and treat issues like peeing your pants, pressure and pain through lifestyle education, exercise, functional training and self care tips from preconception to motherhood.


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